Principles and Practice of Modern Surgery, (1860), by Robert Druitt
A copy of this text book is listed in the Surgeon General’s Office Library Catalogues or the list of medical textbooks which were published during the Civil War by the Army Medical Department.
DRUITT ROBERT, FRCS. THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF MODERN SURGERY A new and revised American from the eighth enlarged and improved London edition Illustrated with four hundred and thirty two wood engravings In one very handsomely printed octavo volume leather of nearly 700 large pages $3.50.
A work which like Drutit’s Surgery has for so many years maintained the position of a leading favorite with all classes of the profession needs no special recommendation to attract attention to a revised edition. The extent of these additions may be estimated from the fact that it now contains about one third more matter than the previous American edition and that not withstanding the adoption of a smaller type the pages have been increased by about one hundred while nearly two hundred and fifty wood cuts have been added to the former list of illustrations.