Physical Exploration and Diagnosis of Diseases Affecting the Respiratory Organs, by Austin Flint, M.D.
A copy of this text book is listed in the Surgeon General’s Office Library Catalogues.
FLINT, AUSTIN MD, Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine in the University of Louisville. PHYSICAL EXPLORATION AND DIAGNOSIS OF DISEASES AFFECTING THE RESPIRATORY ORGANS, In one large and handsome octavo volume extra cloth. 636 pages.
First edition. By Austin Flint, “the American Laennec,” discusses the use of auscultation and other diagnostic techniques in evaluating patients with pulmonary disease. The most comprehensive monograph on physical diagnosis of the chest published by an American.
A work of original observation of the highest merit. We recommend the treatise to everyone who wishes to become a correct asculatator. Based to a very large extent norm cases numerically examined it carries the evidence of careful study and discrimination upon every page. It does credit to the author and through him to the profession in this country. It is what we cannot call every book. Upon an examination a readable book. Am Jour Med Scient.