
This book from 1860 pre-dates the start of the Civil War which begain in 1861 and is marked for the U. S. A. Hospital Department on the front cover. This suggests the Hospital Department’s existence BEFORE the Civil War. A copy of this text book is listed in the Surgeon General’s Office Library Catalogues.

Garrison-Morton: “The foundation of aural pathology. In this book Toynbee described the method of removing the temporal bone and discussed the post mortem appearances in relation to the symptoms observed during life. He made over 2,000 dissections of the ear.”

“He [Jospeh Toynbee] died in July 1866 [age 51] while conducting experiments with prussic acid and chloroform as a remedy for tinnitus. Either one of these substances or their combination are responsible for his death. He was buried at St Mary’s Church, Wimbledon.”-Sourced from Wikipedia Dec 18th, 2019