
The Principles and Practice of Medicine, Osler, William, (1892) 1st Edition, 1st Printing, Very Good Plus Condition.

New York: D. Appleton, 1892., 1892. xvii, 1079 pp; 5 figs.; 19 charts; publisher’s ads (the second list of ads is dated June 1892; the first list is not dated). Original cloth.The copy has NOT been restored in any way (no recasing, no rebacking, no nothing). Golden & Roland, Sir William Osler an Annotated Bibliography no. 1378. Garrison-Morton 2231.

Designed for the use of practitioners and students of medicine. Osler was a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, London. A Professor of Medicine in the Johns Hopkins University and Physician-In-Chief to the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore. Formerly Professor of the Institutes of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal. Professor of Clinincal Medicine in the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia