Pathology and Treatment of Venereal Diseases, (1861, first edition), by Freeman J. Bumstead, M.D.
A copy of this text book is listed in the Surgeon General’s Office Library Catalogues or the list of medical textbooks which were published during the Civil War by the Army Medical Department.
The 1861 first edition is on the list of text books ordered by the Surgeon General for the Medical Dept. during the early part of the Civil War. Both editions,: 61 & 64 editions, were in the 1861 and 1865 Catalogues of the Surgeon General’s Office Library during the Civil War. The second version contains lessons learned during the Civil War and so states the fact in the preface of the second and revised edition and is shown below. Venereal diseases were a major issue during the War and this book was the main source of information.